Thursday, September 29, 2011

Slavery Study Guide

We are having a quiz tomorrow over our slavery unit. You may earn up to 5 points of extra credit on your quiz for thoroughly completing the study guide, which you can find a link to here.

Good luck! Any questions you may have, you can email me at or come before school tomorrow. I usually arrive at 7 am.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Friday, September 23, 2011

Anti-Slavery Project

Here are some helpful websites to explore as you design your "Conscious Consumer/Anti-Slavery" advertisements.

You may make either a
1) Print ad (1 page with info and pictures)
2) Bosse TV ad (1 PowerPoint slide to air on Bosse TV)
3) Commercial (Actual Video)

BE CREATIVE. You may go any direction you want to, as long as you are INFORMING and EMPOWERING.

Here is a link to a powerful, 15 minute video from Kevin Bales, the man whose pioneering work led to world-wide awareness of contemporary slavery

Now, go make a difference!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

World Geo Weekly Schedule

Monday, September 19
- Complete Pyramid Web Exploration Worksheets
- Begin African Empire Travel Brochure Project
- Station Exploration!
HW - p. 85 q. 2-6

Tuesday, September 20
- Continue African Empire Travel Brochure Project
HW - Work on Brochure

Wednesday, September 21
- Wrap up African Empire Travel Brochure Project
HW - Work on Brochure

Thursday, September 22
- West African Slave Trade
Homework: TBA

Friday, September 23
- West African Slave Trade
Homework: None

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Psychology - Freud and Dream Interpretation

Monday and Tuesday, we practiced finding themes or common symbols in our dreams on our own.
Today, Wednesday, we are learning about Sigmund Freud and his theory of dream interpretation.

Make sure you understand the following three aspects of consciousness, according to Freud: id, ego and superego

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

STUDY GUIDE for Africa Physical Geography Quiz

Here is a link to your study guide for your quiz tomorrow, Wednesday, September 14, 2011

In case you have trouble opening the link, here are the contents of your study guide:

Africa Physical Geography Quiz


Part One: Mapping

You need to be able to identify the following physical geographic features of Africa on a map:

v Atlantic Ocean

v Indian Ocean

v Mediterranean Sea

v Red Sea

v Nile River

v Niger River

v Congo River

v Zambezi River

v Atlas Mountains

v Drakensberg Mountains

v Mount Kilimanjaro

v The Great Rift Valley

v Sahara Desert

v Kalahari Desert

Part Two: Developing a Geographic Mind

You will be asked a series of multiple choice, and fill in the blank questions relating to the physical geography of Africa. It is the same information as in the mapping section, but asked in written format rather than a pictoral representation.

For example: What river runs through western African countries such as Nigeria?

Part Three: Reading Thematic Maps

You will be given a copy of the Climate map of Africa. You need to be able to use the map key to read the map. You will be asked multiple choice questions regarding the climate of specific regions (i.e. Central v. Southern) Africa

ADDITIONALLY, here are some online resources for you: - A quiz over Africa's rivers (contains more rivers than you are asked to know, but still very helpful) - Another Africa's rivers quiz - A quiz over bodies of water surrounding Africa (again, contains more seas than you are asked to know for now, but still helpful)


Monday, September 12, 2011

Weekly Calendar - Geography and History of the World

Hello Students,

From this week forward, each Monday I will post a list of the week's scheduled topics and work on this blog. Please refer to this schedule when you are absent from class.

It is your responsbility to make up missed work, and to contact me either before, after school, or via email to gather materials you may need.

I will do my best to keep the website constantly updated, but you need to make sure you are taking personal responsibility to make up work when you miss class.

Here is the link to the schedule.