Monday, November 14, 2011

Ancient European Civilizations Study Materials

Click on the links below to find all the resources you need to prepare for your Exam
1st Period and 2nd Period - Test is Wednesday November 16
5th Period - Test is Thursday November 17

NOTE - There seems to be a problem with the Ancient Greek Philosophers Powerpoint!!! To read it, you need to high light the text.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Apartheid Resources

Nelson Mandela


1. Your Book Pg.139-142

2. Pictures:









1. Your Book Pg.139-142

2. Pictures:




Nationalist Party


1. Your Book Pg.139-142

2. Pictures:






Colored/ Black/ Asian


1. Your Book Pg.139-142

2. Pictures:






African National Congress


1. Your Book Pg.139-142

2. Pictures:






Desmund Tutu & Albert J. Luthuli


1. Your Book Pg.139-142

2. Pictures:










Monday, October 17, 2011

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Ch 4

1) How does the author reinforce Ratched as a machine?

2) What is the Combine (google it, and use references from the book)

3) Why do you think McMurphy is in the institution?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Psychology - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

After we have completed reading Chapters 1 and 2 (p. 1-14), in your notebook (which can be your old dream journal) answer the following questions.

If you write down a quote from the book, put the page number in parenthesis after the quote. For example

"She dips a nod at me as she goes past. I let the mop push me back to the wall and smile and try to foul her equipment up as much as possible by not letting her see my eyes- they can't tell so much about you if you got your eyes closed." (10)

This way during class discussion, when you refer to a particular point in the text, we can all easily access it.

1. Who is Nurse Rached/Big Nurse?

2. What kinds of words does the author use to describe Nurse Rached? Please make sure to reference the page on which you find these words.

3. Who is Chief Broom/Bromden?

4. Who is McMurphy? What kinds of words does the author use to describe him?

5. What does "bull goose loony" mean? Why do you think McMurphy wants to be the bull goose loony?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Studying Africa Map

Here is a link to a current, political map of Africa

Here is a link to the online quiz

Here is a link to a blank map of Africa - You will need to draw in the border for South Sudan

Thursday, October 6, 2011

African Resistance Map

As with all fights for independence, many Africans battled for decades with the Europeans who were taking the African's land and resources. In fact, in the entire history of the British Empire, their biggest defeat was at the hands of an African military, which defeated a British Force 8,000 soldiers strong! Today in class you will be exploring the website below to aid you in learning more about key moments of African Resistance.

When you get to the website, scroll down to the bottom. There will be a map identical to the map on your worksheet. What you must do is click on each event, and, IN YOUR OWN WORDS, record at least 2 details about each event.

"Until the lion tells his side of the story, the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter." - African Proverb

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Slavery Study Guide

We are having a quiz tomorrow over our slavery unit. You may earn up to 5 points of extra credit on your quiz for thoroughly completing the study guide, which you can find a link to here.

Good luck! Any questions you may have, you can email me at or come before school tomorrow. I usually arrive at 7 am.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Friday, September 23, 2011

Anti-Slavery Project

Here are some helpful websites to explore as you design your "Conscious Consumer/Anti-Slavery" advertisements.

You may make either a
1) Print ad (1 page with info and pictures)
2) Bosse TV ad (1 PowerPoint slide to air on Bosse TV)
3) Commercial (Actual Video)

BE CREATIVE. You may go any direction you want to, as long as you are INFORMING and EMPOWERING.

Here is a link to a powerful, 15 minute video from Kevin Bales, the man whose pioneering work led to world-wide awareness of contemporary slavery

Now, go make a difference!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

World Geo Weekly Schedule

Monday, September 19
- Complete Pyramid Web Exploration Worksheets
- Begin African Empire Travel Brochure Project
- Station Exploration!
HW - p. 85 q. 2-6

Tuesday, September 20
- Continue African Empire Travel Brochure Project
HW - Work on Brochure

Wednesday, September 21
- Wrap up African Empire Travel Brochure Project
HW - Work on Brochure

Thursday, September 22
- West African Slave Trade
Homework: TBA

Friday, September 23
- West African Slave Trade
Homework: None

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Psychology - Freud and Dream Interpretation

Monday and Tuesday, we practiced finding themes or common symbols in our dreams on our own.
Today, Wednesday, we are learning about Sigmund Freud and his theory of dream interpretation.

Make sure you understand the following three aspects of consciousness, according to Freud: id, ego and superego

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

STUDY GUIDE for Africa Physical Geography Quiz

Here is a link to your study guide for your quiz tomorrow, Wednesday, September 14, 2011

In case you have trouble opening the link, here are the contents of your study guide:

Africa Physical Geography Quiz


Part One: Mapping

You need to be able to identify the following physical geographic features of Africa on a map:

v Atlantic Ocean

v Indian Ocean

v Mediterranean Sea

v Red Sea

v Nile River

v Niger River

v Congo River

v Zambezi River

v Atlas Mountains

v Drakensberg Mountains

v Mount Kilimanjaro

v The Great Rift Valley

v Sahara Desert

v Kalahari Desert

Part Two: Developing a Geographic Mind

You will be asked a series of multiple choice, and fill in the blank questions relating to the physical geography of Africa. It is the same information as in the mapping section, but asked in written format rather than a pictoral representation.

For example: What river runs through western African countries such as Nigeria?

Part Three: Reading Thematic Maps

You will be given a copy of the Climate map of Africa. You need to be able to use the map key to read the map. You will be asked multiple choice questions regarding the climate of specific regions (i.e. Central v. Southern) Africa

ADDITIONALLY, here are some online resources for you: - A quiz over Africa's rivers (contains more rivers than you are asked to know, but still very helpful) - Another Africa's rivers quiz - A quiz over bodies of water surrounding Africa (again, contains more seas than you are asked to know for now, but still helpful)


Monday, September 12, 2011

Weekly Calendar - Geography and History of the World

Hello Students,

From this week forward, each Monday I will post a list of the week's scheduled topics and work on this blog. Please refer to this schedule when you are absent from class.

It is your responsbility to make up missed work, and to contact me either before, after school, or via email to gather materials you may need.

I will do my best to keep the website constantly updated, but you need to make sure you are taking personal responsibility to make up work when you miss class.

Here is the link to the schedule.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Psychology, August 30, 2011

Today we will be studying the parts of the human brain by labeling a diagram of the brain.

Copies of the diagram will be handed out in class, but in case you lose yours here is a link

HOMEWORK -Complete this diagram for tomorrow - 30 points!

World Geography, August 30

Today in class we will be finishing our timelines which we began yesterday.

REMEMBER! There are TWO parts to the assignment

1) The Timeline

2) Your 2-3 sentence explanation of why you think each event was important.

This project is worth 100 points!!! Give it your best!

Homework for tonight - FINISH YOUR TIMELINE

Monday, August 29, 2011

Psychology Monday, August 29

Welcome back from the weekend! I hope you had a few moments to yourself to relax, and are ready to rock it out this week!

This week we are going to be studying THE BRAIN. We have to understand how it's supposed to work before we can study what happens when it disfunctions!

So, to get started, do the following!

1) Open your book to p. 310

2) Click to open this link!

Hold tight, we're about to learn all the craziness going on inside your head right now!

World Geography for Monday, August 29

Happy Monday!

Welcome back from the weekend. I hope you had time to yourself to regroup, and are ready to rock out class this week!

Today we are starting Chapter Two, a warp speed tour through all of human history! Don't worry, it's just an introduction to things we're going to study in depth later on.

However, to keep your feet on the ground I've designed the following project. All the instructions are on the attached page, so make sure you read it CAREFULLY.

Click on the link below to get started!


Friday, August 26, 2011

Theories of Dreaming

Dreams are an essential part of the human experience - no matter when, where, or how people live, we are all united by our experience of dreams. Why we dream, however, has been a matter of debate and question for hundreds (even thousands!) of years.

Today we are going to explore various psychological theories about why people dream.


Explore the following websites, and answer the following questions IN YOUR OWN WORDS to the best of your ability. You may work with ONE other person in class on this assignment.

Link One - Dream Theories

1. Read the quote from Henry David Thoreau at the top of the article. What, in your own words, does he mean?

2. In your own words, what was Freud's theory of dreams?

3. Do you agree with any part of Freud's theory? Do you disagree with any part of Freud's theory? Why?

4. In your own words, what is the activation-synthesis model of dreaming?

5. Do you agree with any part of this model? Do you disagree with any part of this model? Why?

Link Two - Facts About Dreams

1. What fact surprised you the most? Why?

2. What is a lucid dream? Have you ever had one? If so, describe your experience.

3. Why do you think people experience similar, or "universal," dreams?

Please answer all questions in complete sentences. This is a 20 point assignment due Monday at the beginning of class!

Question 1 -

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Psychology Assignment

In two weeks we will be studying dream psychology, and analyzing our own dreams.

Today in class we will preliminarily be exploring how to recall one's dreams, and how to properly record them. Your nightly assignment (including weekends) is to record your dreams every morning for the next two weeks.

Here is a link to a website for you to explore. We will be focusing on certain parts of the website in class, but you may explore it all you want in your free time!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011



STEP 1: Click on this link to open up a copy of your exam in Google Document Viewer

STEP 2: Under the "Edit" tab at the top click "Select All"

STEP 3: On your keyboard, hold the "CTRL" button and then click "C" You have now copied the highlighted text

STEP 4: Open a blank text document in Open Office

STEP 5: On your keyboard, hold the "CTRL" button and then click "V" You have now pasted the test onto your document.

STEP 6: Under "File" select "Save As" Save the Document on your desktop as "YOURLASTNAME, YOURFIRSTNAME"

STEP 7: Complete your test. When you are done, raise your hand and I will help you submit it.

Geography Chapter 1 TEST

Hello Students!

Here is a link to the study guide for your Chapter 1 Test.

Thursday we will have an in class review game for the test. The team which scores the most points in each class will earn 5 extra credit points on the exam. Prepare so your team will prevail!

The test will be Friday, August 26

Good luck!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Psychology In The News!

Behold, Psychology students!

The following book review was posted on yesterday. A First-Rate Madness, by Nassir Ghaema, explores the link between mental illness, and strength of leadership during times of crisis.

By using the link above, you can read an interesting review, a book excerpt, or listen to the radio broadcast of the story!

We will be examining this book in class very soon, so get a first look!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thursday, August 18

Below is a link for you to view the Powerpoint which was used in class today.

Chapter 1 Section 3 "What Is Culture?"

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Homework for Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Part One:
Read "The Meaning of Culture," Chapter 1 Section 3, p. 13-18.

Part Two:
In your World Geography notebook, give a general definition/description of each of the following aspects of culture:

  • social organization

  • customs and traditions

  • language

  • arts and literature

  • religion

  • forms of government

  • economic systems

Part Three:

In your notebook, define the following key terms:

  • culture

  • nuclear family

  • extended family

  • monotheism

  • polytheism

  • democracy

  • republic

  • dictatorship

Friday, August 12, 2011

Latitude and Longitude Practice


Last week, we started by establishing our basic knowledge of Geography. We learned the definition of geography, which is the study of where people, places, and things are located and how they relate to each other. We learned about two ways of explaining location: relative and absolute. Relative location is when you describe a location in relation to another location. For example, Bosse high school is southeast of the University of Evansville's main campus. That's helpful if I know where U of E is located, but what if I don't?

Absolute location gives us two coordinates for a place - its latitude and its longitude.

Line of Latitude are imaginary lines which extend around the earth like a belt. Lines of latitude are measured either North or South of the equator in units called degrees. The Equator is the most important line of latitude, and its coordinate is zero degrees.

Lines of Longitude are imaginary lines which stretch from the north to the south pole. Lines of longitude are measured either East or West of the Prime Meridian in units called degrees. The Prime Meridian is the most important line of longitude, and its coordinate is zero degrees.

When you combine lines of longitude and latitude, they make a kind of grid on the earth. From this grid we can determine absolute location. Make sense?

To practice determining latitude and longitude, you can follow this link to a fun game. (Click on the word "link")

Helpful Hint: Remember! Lines of longitude and latitude are never negative, they are either north or south, east or west, respectively.

Also remember! When you are saying North or South, you are really saying "North or South of the equator." Likewise, when you say East or West, you are really saying "East or West of the prime meridian." Keeping this in mind will help you to succeed in this part of the course!