Friday, August 26, 2011

Theories of Dreaming

Dreams are an essential part of the human experience - no matter when, where, or how people live, we are all united by our experience of dreams. Why we dream, however, has been a matter of debate and question for hundreds (even thousands!) of years.

Today we are going to explore various psychological theories about why people dream.


Explore the following websites, and answer the following questions IN YOUR OWN WORDS to the best of your ability. You may work with ONE other person in class on this assignment.

Link One - Dream Theories

1. Read the quote from Henry David Thoreau at the top of the article. What, in your own words, does he mean?

2. In your own words, what was Freud's theory of dreams?

3. Do you agree with any part of Freud's theory? Do you disagree with any part of Freud's theory? Why?

4. In your own words, what is the activation-synthesis model of dreaming?

5. Do you agree with any part of this model? Do you disagree with any part of this model? Why?

Link Two - Facts About Dreams

1. What fact surprised you the most? Why?

2. What is a lucid dream? Have you ever had one? If so, describe your experience.

3. Why do you think people experience similar, or "universal," dreams?

Please answer all questions in complete sentences. This is a 20 point assignment due Monday at the beginning of class!

Question 1 -

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